Career options
Become part of our team
Welcome to our sweet stop at Reininghaus Park Graz! Discover exciting career opportunities in our diverse café, bistro, ice cream parlor and sweet shop. Become part of our team and start a magical journey with us. We are looking for both full-time and part-time employees who enjoy working with people and have a warm and well-groomed appearance. If you have experience in the catering industry and are looking for a new challenge, please contact us. We offer attractive pay and a friendly atmosphere in which you will feel comfortable. Become part of our growing community and join us in creating a new way of being together. We look forward to welcoming you and experiencing a magical journey together. See you soon in the sweet stop Reininghaus Park!
Assistant cook/assistant cook
Full-time Part-time
We are looking for an experienced and passionate chef to join our team at the sweet stop at Reininghaus Park Graz. If you enjoy cooking, are creative and would like to work in a diverse gastronomic environment, we look forward to receiving your application. Come to us and become part of a magical culinary journey!
Full-time Part-time
Job offer: Become part of our team in our newly opened café, bar, bistro and ice cream parlor at the Graz Reininghaus am Park location. We are looking for full-time and part-time employees. If you have experience and enjoy working with people, contact us and accompany us on an exciting journey. We offer attractive pay. Expectations: well-groomed and friendly demeanor, interest in working with people...
Looking for support in various areas!
Full time
We are looking for diverse support who will actively support us in various areas. Whether in service, kitchen or administration - if you are flexible, like to get hands-on and would like to work in a dynamic team, we look forward to receiving your application. Come to us and experience a varied and exciting job!
Work for us!
Become part of our team
Become part of our magical team! Apply now and experience a passionate atmosphere with exciting challenges. Show us your talent and enthusiasm - with us you will find room for personal growth. Your unique skills are in demand. We look forward to getting to know you and achieving great things together. - be brave and start your new adventure in the sweet stop!